OSPA309 Disaster Management -
 This is a level 10 course offered by the Department of Organizational Studies of the Faculty of Management Studies. This course is a 3 credit course in CEMBA/CEMPA program. 

This course is one of the courses that make up level 9 (first year) of the CEMBA programme. It is a four credit course which will require 200 hours of study.

MSPA313 - International Marketing - This course offered for Commonwealth Executive Master of Business/Public Administration Degree (CEMBA/CEMPA) programme under the Department of Marketing Management of the Faculty of Management Studies of The Open University of Sri Lanka. It will enable you to acquire knowledge of attributes specific to offering products/services to international markets and apply such knowledge to operate successfully in overseas markets.

You have logged into AFPA498 Research Methods course. This is supplementary to the AFPA498 course. Research Methods is a main component of Commonwealth Executive Master Business Administration/ Public Administration program.

AFP9405 - Economic Environment of Business course is a level 9 course offered by the Department of Organizational Studies of the Faculty of Management Studies. This course is a 4 credit course in CEMBA/CEMPA programme.

Hello and welcome to MMP9408 - "Marketing Management". This is a course you have to follow in the CEMBA - Level 09. The main objective of this online course is to provide interactive learning experience on marketing to develop and practice skills in marketing analysis and decision making.

AFP9409 Accounting and Finance is a level 9 course offered by the Department of Accounting and Finance in the CEMBA/CEMPA program. This course is a 4 credit course designed to explain how financial statements are prepared and used to make managerial decisions.

This is a Core course with a credit value of 4 credits that is offered in the first semester of the CEMBA/CEMPA programme.  

OSPA453 Strategic Management is one of the compulsory courses of the second year of the Commonwealth Executive Master of Business/Public Administration (CEMBA/CEMPA) degree programme.