NGP9331 - "STATISTICS FOR EVIDENCE BASED NURSING PRACTICE". This is a 3-credit course taught in the first semester.

NGE9226 - "Nursing Master Orientation Seminar" - A 12 hour Workshop to learn about Online Course Development and the Moodle Learning Management system.

NGP9426-Theoretical Foundation of Advanced Practice Nursing, which have to complete in level 9.

This is a 4-credit course in the first semester. The course explores the theoretical basis of advanced practice nursing through analysis of nursing theories that contribute to nursing’s unique body of knowledge. 

This is a 4 credit course in the 1st semester. This is a Level 9, 4 credit, 1st semester course offered by the Department of Nursing under Master of Nursing degree programme.

NGP9428-Qualitative Research Methods is a level 9 Course. This is a 04 credit course in the 01st semester.