NGP9331 - "STATISTICS FOR EVIDENCE BASED NURSING PRACTICE". This is a 3-credit course taught in the first semester.
- Teacher: Ms. R.A.M.S.D.L Jayathilake

NGE9226 - "Nursing Master Orientation Seminar" - A 12 hour Workshop to learn about Online Course Development and the Moodle Learning Management system.
- Teacher: Hansi Dilhara
- Teacher: Dr. W.N Priyanthi

NGP9426-Theoretical Foundation of Advanced Practice Nursing, which have to complete in level 9.
This is a 4-credit course in the first semester. The course explores the theoretical basis of advanced practice nursing through analysis of nursing theories that contribute to nursing’s unique body of knowledge.
- Teacher: Dr. (Mrs.) A. V. P. Madhavi

This is a 4 credit course in the 1st semester. This is a Level 9, 4 credit, 1st semester course offered by the Department of Nursing under Master of Nursing degree programme.
- Teacher: Ms K.G.P.K. Munidasa

NGP9428-Qualitative Research Methods is a level 9 Course. This is a 04 credit course in the 01st semester.
- Teacher: Dr. Sunil S. De Silva
- Teacher: D.C Madushan