This is a chemistry course offered at Level 5 of the B.Sc. Degree Programme. It has an academic value of three credits . This course is designed to give you a basic knowledge in polymer chemistry.

This course provides students with a basic knowledge on Chemistry of some biomolecules. It covers topics on primary metabolites such as carbohydrates, amino acids peptides and proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. Also enzymes, coenzymes, vitamins and which are important in metabolic pathways will be discussed.

This is a Chemistry course in Level 4 of your B.Sc. Degree Programme. By following this course you will be able to develop a thorough understanding of some basic concepts in Chemistry.

Click the course title to get into login page.Then fill your username and password and press the Login button to enter into the first page of the course.

This is a 3 credit practical course in chemistry intended for level 3 undergraduate students.
The course is designed to fulfill the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) outcomes.
It will focus on the basic experimental skills required to carry out fundamental laboratory work in chemistry.

This is one of the Open Elective Courses at Level 3 of the B. Sc. Degree Programme. This course gives you an introduction to the Laws of Sri Lanka.

This is the very first Chemistry course in your B.Sc. Degree Programme. This course intends to give you the foundation of many areas in Chemistry which is required to follow higher level courses. Click the course title to get into the page. Then fill the required information and click login.

This Mathematics course is being conducted for those who have not done mathematics at A/L. The mathematics for chemistry and biology course helps to follow the B.Sc degree in Science program at OUSL. It is intended to give you the basic mathematical knowledge required to follow courses in many areas of chemistry.

This is the most important Chemistry Course at Level 5 of the B. Sc. Degree Programme if you want to understand how metal centres carry out various chemical transformations in industrial processes.

Prerequisite : Eligibility in Inorganic Chemistry (CMU2122)

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CYU4300 - Inorganic Chemistry - is a three credit course offered at Level 4.  The Pre-Requisite to register for this course depends on your performance in CYU3300 and CYU3301 at level 3, first year in the BSc degree programme.