MHP9504 - Environment, Society and Development is a compulsory level 9 course offered in the first year of the M.Sc. programme in Environmental Sciences. The course will develop the ability of students to critically
look at the relationship between society and the environment.
- Teacher: Shelum Hasintha
- Teacher: D.L.V Kaushalya
- Teacher: K.M.P.M. Senevirathne
- Teacher: Dr.B.D Witharana

"Understanding the Environment" ZYP9505, is a level 9 course unit of the M. Sc programme in Environment Science. It is a five credit course and students will have to spend 250 hours for self study and assessments.
This is a compulsory course for M.Sc programme and it consists of four different units such as Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere.
- Teacher: Mrs.W.A.Y. Chandrani

DSP9502 Environmental Economics and Management - This is a compulsory module for the MSc in Environmental Science programme. This Moodle Learning Management system will help you to interact with the teaching panel and also to initiate discussion on various themes of your interest.
- Teacher: H.M.A.T. Koswatta
- Teacher: Prof. S.N Morais

BYP9503 Environmental Pollution is a level 9 course of the M.Sc. in Environmental Science Degree Programme. This is a 5 credit course which requires about 250 study hours. This course is designed to give you an understanding about the issues and problems faced by the mankind while interacting with the environment in which he lives. The effects due to these interactions could be either positive or negative. The negative effects are the main courses for Environmental Pollution. Through this course, we are trying to improve your knowledge on how this pollution is happening and possible measures that can be taken to minimize the adverse effects of environmental pollution to continue in a sustainable manner.
- Teacher: Dr. (Ms) S. M. M. P. K. Seneviratne

"Understanding the Environment" ZYP9505, is a level 9 course unit of the M. Sc programme in Environment Science. It is a five credit course and students will have to spend 250 hours for self study and assessments.
This is a compulsory course for M.Sc programme and it consists of four different units such as Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Biosphere.
- Teacher: Mrs.W.A.Y. Chandrani

MHP9504 - Environment, Society and Development is a compulsory level 9 course offered in the first year of the M.Sc. programme in Environmental Sciences. The course will develop the ability of students to critically
look at the relationship between society and the environment.
- Teacher: D.L.V Kaushalya
- Teacher: R.M.A Rathnayaka
- Teacher: Dr. P. Sanmugeswaran
- Teacher: Dr.B.D Witharana

- Teacher: Prof. Camena Gunaratne

DSP9502 Environmental Economics and Management - This is a compulsory module for the MSc in Environmental Science programme. This Moodle Learning Management system will help you to interact with the teaching panel and also to initiate discussion on various themes of your interest.
- Teacher: H.M.A.T. Koswatta
- Teacher: Prof. S.N Morais