In this course you will be given an insight into the journey towards independent learning in an open and distance learning (ODL) environment over the traditional methods of teaching and learning (Spoon-feeding) that you are used to from your school life. It will also enlighten you of the Open University study and social culture. We have carefully curated this course to support you understand the presented concepts with various informative and interactive sessions.
This course is for the students who are following the degree programms of : Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering, Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Industrial Studies Honours offered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology
- Teacher: K.D.B. Aratthanage
- Teacher: Dr. Iresha Aththanayake
- Teacher: Mr.D.I. Fernando
- Teacher: Mrs. P.G. Kaushalya
- Teacher: Dr.G.N. Paranavithana
- Teacher: W.A.C.J Perera
- Teacher: Dr.(Ms).U. S. Premarathne
- Teacher: Mr D.S. Wickramasinghe
- Teacher: Mr D.C. Wijewardana
- Teacher: Dr.D.H.R.J. Wimalasiri

The Common Forum serves as an online platform administered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology, primarily dedicated to facilitating the orientation of newly enrolled students in study programmes offered by the Faculty. Throughout this brief orientation phase, academic activities related to common courses for all specializations are conducted.
Upon course registration, you will gain access to dedicated Online courses of specific courses on the Learning Management System(LMS).
- Teacher: Prof. A.N.S. Senanayake
- Teacher: Dr. H. M. M. Caldera
- Teacher: Mr. P. K. J. de Mel
- Teacher: D.M.P.G.A.S. Dissanayake
- Teacher: Mr.D.I. Fernando
- Teacher: Mr. K. A. R. D. Gunaratne
- Teacher: Mr.M.H.M.N.D. Herath
- Teacher: Prof C. N. Herath
- Teacher: Dr.(Ms.).K.D.N. Kumari
- Teacher: Dr. R. L. K. Lokuliyana
- Teacher: Dr.W.A. Niwanthi
- Teacher: Dr.G.N. Paranavithana
- Teacher: Ms H Pasqual
- Teacher: Mr.M.S.S. Perera
- Teacher: W.A.C.J Perera
- Teacher: Mr I. A. Premaratne
- Teacher: Eng. H.D.N.S. Priyankara
- Teacher: Dr D.D.M. Ranasinghe
- Teacher: N.M. Siyad
- Teacher: Prof.(Ms) U.W. Ratnayake
- Teacher: Dr. L. S. K. Udugama
- Teacher: Dr. P. N. Wickramanayake
- Teacher: Mr D.S. Wickramasinghe
- Teacher: K.D.B. Aratthanage
- Teacher: Dr. Iresha Aththanayake
- Teacher: P.T.R. Dabare
- Teacher: Ms. B. A. U. Dedunu
- Teacher: D.M.P.G.A.S. Dissanayake
- Teacher: Mr. K. A. R. D. Gunaratne
- Teacher: Mr.M.H.M.N.D. Herath
- Teacher: G.M.K.B. Karunasena
- Teacher: Mrs. P.G. Kaushalya
- Teacher: Dr.K.V.J. Padmini
- Teacher: R.A.K.K. Perera
- Teacher: Ms. R.M.P.M.D. Rathnayaka
- Teacher: Dr. H. G. P. A. Ratnaweera
- Teacher: Dr. Prasanna Ratnaweera
- Teacher: Mr D.S. Wickramasinghe
- Teacher: Mr D.C. Wijewardana
- Teacher: Dr.D.H.R.J. Wimalasiri

- Teacher: K.D.B. Aratthanage
- Teacher: B.M.A Basnayake
- Teacher: Dr. H. M. M. Caldera
- Teacher: Mr. W. A. L. P. Fernando
- Teacher: W.A.I.A.T. Goonetilleke
- Teacher: W.M.M.S Karunapala
- Teacher: J. Kirushika
- Teacher: M Mathusha
- Teacher: Dr.K.V.J. Padmini
- Teacher: Ms H Pasqual
- Teacher: N.GP.R. Premachandra
- Teacher: Dr D.D.M. Ranasinghe
- Teacher: Madushan Ranaweera
- Teacher: Ms. K. H. A. T. Sandeepana
- Teacher: Mrs. H. R. S. Senanayake
- Teacher: N.M. Siyad
- Teacher: H.P.I Subasinghe
- Teacher: Ms. A. Suthaharan
- Teacher: Prof.(Ms) U.W. Ratnayake
- Teacher: Dr. P. N. Wickramanayake
- Teacher: Mr. B. M. G. S. T. K. Wickramasinghe
- Teacher: Mrs Y. A. G. S. Yapa

Learner Support Hub is an online platform managed by the Faculty of Engineering Technology, designed to facilitate learner support activities and address student-related matters and facilities within the Faculty.
Upon registering for your courses, you will gain access to dedicated online courses for specific subjects on the Learning Management System (LMS).
- Teacher: E.K.K.N. Epitawala
- Teacher: G.M.K.B. Karunasena
- Teacher: Mayanthi Kulathunga Jayakody
- Teacher: Dr. H. G. P. A. Ratnaweera
- Teacher: K.M.G.Y. Sewwandi
- Teacher: Mr. M. Warushawithana
- Teacher: Mr D.S. Wickramasinghe
- Teacher: Sampath Wickramsinghe
- Teacher: Dr. I. S. K. Wijayawardane

The Common Forum serves as an online platform administered by the Faculty of Engineering Technology, primarily dedicated to facilitating the orientation of newly enrolled students in study programmes offered by the Faculty. Throughout this brief orientation phase, academic activities related to common courses for all specializations are conducted.
Upon course registration, you will gain access to dedicated Online courses of specific courses on the Learning Management System(LMS).
- Teacher: Prof. A.N.S. Senanayake
- Teacher: W.G.P.C. Abayarathna
- Teacher: Dr. M. M. N. P. Abeysekara
- Teacher: Ms.T.P.G.N.T Alwis
- Teacher: Dr. Gehan Anthonys
- Teacher: Dr.(Mrs). A.G.B. Aruggoda
- Teacher: Dr. Iresha Aththanayake
- Teacher: Mr D.S. Bandara
- Teacher: Mr. P. K. J. de Mel
- Teacher: Mr. K. A. R. D. Gunaratne
- Teacher: H.M.T.R. Gunathilaka
- Teacher: J Janeni
- Teacher: Mrs. P.G. Kaushalya
- Teacher: Dr.(Ms.).K.D.N. Kumari
- Teacher: D.R.A.B.M.M.W.T.D. Madahapola
- Teacher: Mr G. Nandasena
- Teacher: Prof.T. M. Pallewatta
- Teacher: Ms H Pasqual
- Teacher: Dr M.E.R. Perera
- Teacher: Dr.(ms) K. U. C. Perera
- Teacher: Dr.(Ms).U. S. Premarathne
- Teacher: Mr I. A. Premaratne
- Teacher: Dr. H. G. P. A. Ratnaweera
- Teacher: K.M.G.Y. Sewwandi
- Teacher: B Subashini
- Teacher: Dr. K. Udayakumar
- Teacher: Mr. N.C. Wanigasuriya
- Teacher: Ms.W.M.N.D. Weerasooriya
- Teacher: W.U.M. Welikanna
- Teacher: Dr. P. N. Wickramanayake
- Teacher: Mr D.S. Wickramasinghe
- Teacher: Mr D.C. Wijewardana
- Teacher: Mrs Y. A. G. S. Yapa